Book: What is Satan? The biggest secret in the world

Africason Education Culture Black history African history Ancient Egyptian African-American African people The lost history Bob Marley Kwame Nkrumah Marcus Garvey History of slave trade Education and colonialism Neo colonialism Ancient Africa What is Satan The dead end of African literature Intellectual slavery PDF African languages Miseducation Dr. Amos Wilson Kaba Hiawatha Kamene John G. Jackson Cheikh Anta Diop Yosef Ben Jochannan John H. Clarke Ivan Van Sertima Africa son African son
Greetings brothers and sisters
I was a Christian for 35 years. But I am also naturally an investigator.
Fortunately, through questioning and research, I eventually discovered where Jesus came from.
In brief, Jesus is not a historical character, he's a fictional character placed in a historical setting. That's why nobody in history saw Jesus or witnessed anything done by him!! For example:-
Nobody in history said I was there when Jesus turned water to wine.
Nobody in history said Jesus healed me or some I know.
Nobody in history said I was there when Jesus fed 5,000 people with fishes and bread.
Nobody in history said I lived in the same village, town, city, country with Jesus.
Nobody in history said I was there when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.
Nobody in history said I was there when Jesus walked on water or I heard someone walked on water.
Nobody in history said I was there when a mob beat Jesus.
Nobody in history said I was there when Jesus resurrected to heaven.
In fact, nobody in history said I knew Jesus.
Nobody witnessed anything about Jesus because those fantastic bible stories are not real events. Jesus is mythology but in the bible he's presented as a historical character.
In reality he never existed, so if you begin looking for Jesus in history, you'll find those histories at the background but you'll never find Jesus. It's a perfect scam designed to fool anybody!!
Ever since I made this discovery I've tried to enlighten people about the falsehood of the character called Jesus in the bible and I've realized what hooks people to the fiction. People are hooked because they've become emotional about the character called Jesus and therefore, critical, logical, rational use of the mind is shut down, and they're no longer interested whether he really existed or not.
Ironically, that's what the earliest proto-Christian sect called the Gnostics believed but they were destroyed, and killed and their books were burnt by the Roman empire in order to install the white Jesus known to Christians today. The Gnostics taught that Jesus was a kind of magico-mystical companion, not a person. However, they visualized him as a black man, not as a white man. Indeed, the bible itself and the earliest paintings of Jesus were depicted as a black man. See Jesus Christ was a black man according to the bible. You need to understand that Africa is the ancient source of the whole Jesus mythology, not the middle East. When you all are ready, what we need to do is reclaim the ancient character, change him back to a black man, create our own "holy book" to read, change the iconograghies, and use it as a political tool to control the world. That's what Europeans and Arabs used it for. If you all are not ready for that, then count me out because I'll never serve someone else God ever again.
Moving forward, since according to the Gnostics, Jesus wasn't a person, it meant that there was no hierarchy in the religion. Everybody was equal or rather everybody was in charge and yet nobody was in charge. That's why Rome then had to create a physical Jesus so that they can say that Peter saw him, and through Peter, they claimed Jesus's legacy. That's why the St. Peter's cathedral is in Rome and not in the middle East. For more information about the Gnostics, read the book: The Gnostics and Their Remains: Ancient and Medieval. Read any book that has to do with Gnosticism, if you want to understand how proto-christians perceived Jesus.
I also realized it's better to speak to people one-on-one about it because it helps them understand things better.
I am tired of people in this information age still believing in Jesus as our savior. There's a lot of information in books out there to set people free but since some may not have the time to read, I decided to create this one day course to help those who truly want to find out the truth.
Are you stuck in Christianity and you know something is not right? Let's discuss Jesus for a day and I'll let you understand that it's based on falsehood, not on history. It would be a one-on-one course via WhatsApp and Skype and I'll charge $150 for my service.
The way it'll work is that you'll tell me the major reason or reasons, one after the other why you think Jesus is real, and my duty would be to reply to you and correct your misunderstanding with historical facts, and if you want I'll point you to a source to find out more by yourself. This will set you free from religious indoctrination, thereby, correcting your perception about what you believe. I'll make sure to clarify you enough until you realize that you've been deceived by a stone age belief system designed to enslave the believer.
If interested, pay $150. Book now or pay to either of the cryptocurrency wallet below. Cryptocurrency is received instantly, while card payment takes 9 days to receive. Again, this course would last one day. It would begin from 1PM to 7PM Greenwich meantime (GMT).
There's another course that would last 7 days. In this course, I'll discuss with you from the beginning about the history of Christianity, Jesus and why they were created and why you should not continue to believe it. It's a one-on-one course via WhatsApp and Skype and I'll charge $950 for my service.
If interested, pay $950. Book now or pay to either of the cryptocurrency wallet below. Cryptocurrency is received instantly, while card payment takes 9 days to receive. Again, this course would last 7 days. It would begin each day from 1PM to 6PM Greenwich meantime (GMT).
Invite your friends or family to enroll and I'll set them free.
I am not even saying you should not believe in what we commonly call "God" but you need to understand how Jesus and Muhammad have intercepted your perception of God, and therefore have you participating in falsehood without your knowledge.
As I said in the beginning, myself I used to be a Christian. I was a Christian for 35 years. I believed in Jesus for that long before I woke up from the illusion.
John Dumelo- a mad African slave practicing European paganism
It's a big shame that an African still believes in Jesus or Muhammad in this age. These gods or messiahs or messengers of god were created as political tool to enslave people by leveraging the fear of the unknown.
Finally, I must add that (and this is the part that everyone is either scared or ignorant to talk about) religion isn't the only thing enslaving us in Africa. In fact, black people as a whole are living an illusion. Black people are locked down in consciousness.
The three things that continue to enslave us are:- foreign language i.e English, French, Spanish, Portuguese. The second is foreign education i.e Western education and Arabic education. I've written much about that already. For more information, see intellectual slavery, the worst legacy of colonialism.
The third is foreign religion i.e Christianity and Islam.
Please drop your ego brothers and sisters, it does us no good. We all have been deceived on a monumental scale. We need a holistic freedom. My God is better than yours, is the same as my language is better than yours!! As nature gave you your language, so did nature also give you your God!! So, what's the difference between English or French language and Jesus or Muhammad? Both were given to us by the same people at the same time!! What makes English or French language better than Christianity and Islam? When you understand why you love English or French language, you’ll understand why other Africans love Christianity or Islam. Again, for more information, see intellectual slavery, the worst legacy of colonialism or in brief, see how Britain and the CIA fooled Wole Soyinka and Chinua Achebe to destroy African languages in literature.
When we free ourselves from the foreign language, education and religion our eyes will open completely and we'll re-discover ourselves. We'll become completely free and real, our perception will change and we'll see clearly. When we get rid of everything foreign imposed on us by European and Arab colonialists we'll achieve the type of independent wealthy Africa we all want but which remain a dream.
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