Pre-order my book: What is Satan? The biggest secret in the world

What is Satan? The biggest secret in the world  Pre-order my upcoming book titled: What is Satan? The biggest secret in the world Dear friends I am sorry that you haven't seen me post new articles for a while. The reason is that I am busy writing a book. The book's name is: What is Satan? The biggest secret in the world.  I am currently devoting all my time and effort in research and reading towards completing the book, so research and reading is all I do these days and have no time left to write new articles. However, in the middle of the book, I realized that the story is bigger than I imagined when I started. The story is very enlightening and it's huge! When finished, this book would free Africans from foreign religions. It would tell the history and evolution of God from out of Africa to the rest of the world. We Africans invented the very concept of God!! We Africans invented the very concept of a savior, messiah, redeemer thousands of years before there was any relig

The difference between Reality, Truth and Perception

  The difference between Reality, Truth and Perception 

Reality is UNCONDITIONED truth. Truth is CONDITIONED reality. Perception is the KEY to both

It is very funny that the majority of us humans don't care about the reality about something, instead we care about the truth. Yet, many times, we're fooled by false perception only for us to discover the reality about something later. That's the reason most people are just simpletons because they don't really understand the true nature (reality) about something. 

Its very important at this point in your life to understand the difference between PERCEPTION,  REALITY and TRUTH because they're not the same thing.

What is perception?

Perception is the way we're wired to view things based on the amount and quality of information we have. So, even if you have the wrong information, your life would be constructed in such a way that you'll be convinced that you have the right information. And you'll live in an illusion with that wrong information, acting as if you're being realistic or living the reality. 

Have you ever told someone a lie in the past? Watch how someone behaves when you tell them a lie that they believe to be the truth. You'll distort their perception of reality and they won't be realistic anymore until they figure out that you lied to them or you tell them yourself that you told a lie.

The information you have comes from everything you've learned, heard, seen, touched,  tasted, smelled i.e the total of your experiences. 

Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene, writing in the book: Shabaka's stone, states "Much evidence points to the conclusion that early experience, learning, emotion and motivation are important in defining what and how we perceive the world. Part of this accumulating evidence comes from experiments that compare how persons in different cultures perceive things. The perception of such things as form, color, pain, and touch may differ from culture to culture, depending on habits and customs, and the education of the children.

Learning, emotion, and motivation can have an important effect on perception. Sometimes a severe emotional disturbance can prevent perception completely, like when emotional shock causes individuals to lose their hearing temporarily. We are more likely to perceive those aspects of our environment that are related to our interests. For example, motivation can affect the perceived characteristics of objects. To a very hungry person, food may appear larger or more colorful than usual".

The more information you have and the better the quality of that information, the more you'll have a better understanding of the true nature of something i.e you'll be more realistic.

If you have the wrong (poor) information about something, you'll view that thing differently than when you have the right (good quality) information about that same thing. 

Our perception constantly changes when we acquire good quality or poor quality information.

When it comes to perception, the same thing applies, whether we're talking about the quality of data/information that our culture as a group have or whether we're talking about the quality of data/information each person has about something as individuals. These pre-conceptions we have, get us conditioned to believe, act, and behave certain ways. Perception is the bridge between reality and truth. 

What is reality? 

Reality is UNCONDITIONED truth. Reality is just what it is- reality i.e the true nature of something. 

Example: if I say the "door". The door is that thing you recognized when I said "door". 

That's the reality and it has many other words in different languages across the world. These words for door across the world becomes the truth that we all can relate to, otherwise, I'll have to literally carry a door to you right now to show you what I am talking about. 

The door is the door but it's we humans that invented words to say it in various languages. So, the word is the truth. The word is the common truth within one culture. Another culture would have a different truth (word) for the same door.

But, remember that the reality itself (the wooden door or iron door) is the REALITY and it's not contingent on anything. In fact, it doesn't even know that it's called door!!

The second example I can give you is: you're reading this article now and you don't need any proof that you're reading it. You don't believe you are reading this, you know you're reading it. That's the reality. 

Let me even get it better with a third example.

The third example I can give you about reality is to use something like God.

What is God? God is God. Nothing more, nothing less. God is reality. 

However, everything else we do as humans is that we try to interpret or explain that reality (God). And when we have interpreted the reality, we call it the truth as evidenced in the various so called "holy books" and religions around the world. But the truths are just words created by ourselves in desperation to explain the reality (God).

When you're eating food it's reality. The taste of the food doesn't have to be explained to you by someone else, neither can you be able to explain it. Because it's reality.

When you're having sex it's reality. The feeling doesn't have to be explained to you by someone else, neither can you be able to explain the feeling. Because it's reality.

But if I ask you: how does the food taste? Or how was the sex?

You'll begin to use limited words to explain it to me to the best of your knowledge. Because words are the only thing in nature to do that. There's nothing else in nature for you to explain it to me. 

But remember those words you're using to explain it to me are not the same as the experience or feeling you had.

Therefore, you'll end up setting a precedent in my mind about how it feels like. And what would happen is that whenever I should think about the experience you had (which is the reality) I'll instead defer to what you told me (your words). So, you'll control my perception about the taste of the food and sex, since I didn't participate in having the sex or eating that food. The worst thing is that if you're not being honest about it and you wanted to fool me, you'll fool me completely because there's no way for me to know beyond your words. Whoever gives you a language (words) or education (knowledge) or God (religion) will control you. The precedent, meaning, and context set in your mind about something won't allow you to participate in the reality.

God is good. God never said so. Man did.

God is love. God never said so. Man did.

Satan is evil. Satan never said so. Man did 

Satan is bad. Satan never said so. Man did.

However, the polarity which we acknowledge as God or Satan, good or bad is the reality that we desperately try to explain to no avail. Yet, it's subjective, because something good to you may be bad to me. It's we humans that set the context for good or bad. For details, see what is Satan? What is Lucifer? The biggest secret in the world.

God is reality. Satan is reality. They're not something to be worshipped or to be believed, rather they're something that you need to understand yourself and become that part you acknowledge as good, although the ancient Egyptians argued that being extremely good/kind or being extremely bad/dishonest as an individual are both detrimental. Neither of them is good for you!! Being extremely good can get you into trouble just as being extremely bad could. So, the ancient Egyptians said that we're rather supposed to find the middle ground (maat) or the balance between being extremely good and being extremely evil. In fact, they said we should all apply that principle in our whole life if we must find peace of mind. Never be in the extreme side of anything, whether it's a good thing or a bad thing.

Indeed, you can't help it but become bad sometimes when expedient because, again, it's we humans that set the context for good or bad. 

No one can help you understand what I am saying here but yourself because I am dealing with reality and only you can experience reality yourself. 

Anything else anyone tells you about reality/God/Satan, whether in the bible or Koran or in any other so called holy book is second-hand interpretation of God or Satan, but not the reality. Because the reality has no words, except words assigned to them by we humans. That's why it's said that you create your reality.

What is truth? 

Truth is CONDITIONED reality. Truth is based on our perception of what we believe to be the reality. Truth is contingent on our preconception i.e truth is based on the level of awareness we have about what we believe to be the reality. Example; if someone else is sitting just as you are but he/she is looking at a blank laptop computer screen. You can conclude from a distance (your perception) that he/she is reading something. That would be your truth until you actually get close only to REALize that the person is not reading at all because the computer doesn't even have a battery, and therefore not working. In other words, truth is your opinion. We can have different ways of explaining something depending on our point of view/perception. This is a bit tricky to explain, so I'll show you images below.


Reality VS Truth

As you can see above, from the point of view/perception of the person on the left, there are four logs of wood (log of woods are my words). But from the point of view/perception of the person on the right, there are three logs of wood and both of them are very sure they're right!!.

However, the reality is that the image is an optical illusion to explain what I am saying, which is that you/we set the context for reality in order to get your/our truth. The reality for the drawing in and of itself is that it's both four and three but yet neither four nor three UNTIL YOU DECIDE WHICH ONE IT IS. The reality (the drawing) doesn't care whether you say it's three or four.

And there's something about the image that you haven't consciously realized yet until I tell you. And that is: each time you agree that there are four woods, you won't see the three. And each time you agree that there are three woods, you won't see the four. It means that we humans completely discard the reality about something once we have accepted whatever we believe to be the truth. We are living an illusion!!

The image is just an optical illusion to let you know that the truth depends on your perception, your context, your point of view. 

Probing even deeper, the image is not even wood (even though I've described it as wood) in desperation to explain it. So, you see, it's we humans that set the context for everything. The so called "wood" is just an image on a computer. In fact, its not even an image, its a computer code. The codes are in 0's and 1's. The codes themselves are made of something else but let's just stop here. That's the reality. 

Reality VS Truth


Again, as seen above, the person on the left says its six, while the person on the right says its nine. Yet, both are correct from their point of view.

How different individuals or different cultures all over the world interpret reality (like the above two examples) gives us different truths from culture to culture. That's why one thing could be good in another culture but deemed bad in another culture, while one thing could be good in another culture but bad in another culture.

Therefore, truth is subjective!. Truth is the conclusion we arrive at based on our best perception of reality. Truth is just a LABEL that we nickname reality for the sake of convenience. That's the reason you may find something weird in one culture and it would be completely fine by the people of that culture no matter how weird. Of course, they too may find something weird about your own culture but you'll never see anything wrong with that. Its also true in our individual lives.

Again, whoever defines, whoever sets the precedent, whoever sets the context for reality gives you your truth. And whatever you believe to be the truth is hardwired in the brain in such a way that you'll be prejudiced against the reality, therefore, you'll be stuck to such an extent that you won't be able to go to the backend (reality) to create your own truth for yourself. That's why its very dangerous for an external culture to give you a GOD, LANGUAGE, EDUCATION because all three are precedent setters. If you believe in a God, you can't challenge it. If you speak a language, you can't challenge the meanings you get when you speak. If you learn something in school, you can't challenge it. 

Always look for the reality about something, not the truth. Don't be satisfied with the truth, it is society that has conditioned you to accept that truth. Go further and find out the reality behind that truth.


Africason is a die-hard believer in Africa.
Twitter: @African_School


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