Book: What is Satan? The biggest secret in the world

Africason Education Culture Black history African history Ancient Egyptian African-American African people The lost history Bob Marley Kwame Nkrumah Marcus Garvey History of slave trade Education and colonialism Neo colonialism Ancient Africa What is Satan The dead end of African literature Intellectual slavery PDF African languages Miseducation Dr. Amos Wilson Kaba Hiawatha Kamene John G. Jackson Cheikh Anta Diop Yosef Ben Jochannan John H. Clarke Ivan Van Sertima Africa son African son
You need to know where the real ''slave trade'' happened because it didn't happen in Africa. There was no such thing as buying and selling of human beings a.k.a ''slave trade'' on African soil before the arrival of Arabs and Europeans in Africa. There wasn't even a currency to transact a business. So what currency did they pay?
I am not saying that Africa never engaged in slavery but not a ''trade'' as its known today. The trade part began when Europeans started exploiting African social and political struct (as they still do today) and eventually created a ''trade'' when the exportation took on a life of its own. Still, there were many African kings who were against it.
Upon the arrival of Europeans in Africa, the slaves were acquired through warfare, trickery, abduction, taking African kings hostage, theft, etc. This's why you'll never find a receipt showing that a ''slave trade'' transaction happened between Europeans and Africans. But across the ocean in America, you'll find plenty of receipts, advertisements, documents, showing a ''slave trade'' transaction between buyers and sellers. For details, see the true history of slavery and slave acquisition in Africa.
Below I present you pictures of auctions buying and selling slaves in America between the 1700's - 1800's- the real ''slave trade'' in the true sense of the word. The name doesn't include Spanish, French, Portuguese slave traders but just a few I could find in America.
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